Arch Type Honeycomb RTO Blocks

The arch shape has advantages very similar to S-type blocks, including increased horizontal cross flow distribution, avoiding blockage of channels from overlapping layers, increased homogeneous flow distribution, lower and more constant pressure drop throughout the bed, and increased TER. Where the arch shape has additional advantages is with its more robust “feet” and the overall increase in horizontal flow volume due to the size and shape of the arch.
Lab simulations of a center value position immediately below the middle block. Thermal imaging identifies the horizontal redistribution effects of the unique arch shape.
Another advantage of arch blocks is that unlike s-type blocks the height of the individual honeycombs are the same height as standard faced structures. This makes the arch structure ideal for inserting thermal couples in between monolith layers to acquire bed temperatures and thermal gradients.
Typically, such thermal regenerators are built up of several layers of blocks which are set side on side. For stability of the support system, the bottom layer should be made of Single Faced Blocks.