Monolith Handling and Storage Precautions


  1. These ceramic monoliths are very heavy. Each skid will have approximately 2000 lbs. and for transportation stability purposes most skids will be banded together one on top of another.
  2. Ceramics by nature have extremely high compression strengths, therefore stacking heights are limited by local regulations. Lexco suggests no more than 4 skids high. On the other hand, ceramics can be very brittle. Avoid piercing any pallet with tow motor forks, backing into skids with vehicles, or dropping material.
  3. Monolith can have extremely sharp edges and gloves should be worn while handling.


  1. The packaging is sealed from the weather. However, the blocks should not be allowed to freeze. Trapped moisture inside the sealed heat shrink plastic could expand when frozen causing cracks.
  2. Pallets can be stored outdoors if necessary. Tarping and protection from impacts is recommended.